Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Top 5 Beers of Summer

Ok, it's August...and it's about to get nasty hot. Especially if you're in Kentucky...you know that at any moment you could step outside and just start dripping with sweat. In cases like these, even though you and I would both prefer a darker, perhaps heavier beer...there are several delicious beers that are light in color but big on taste! So in hopes of preventing you from drowning in a puddle of your own sweat...here are the Top 5 summer/hot weather beers.

1.) Bell's Oberon Ale
This American wheat ale has the perfect touch of spice and a pinch of fruit flavor. The taste, the body and the aroma of this beer are enough to remind you of a lazy summer afternoon.

2.) Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
In my opinion, Pale Ale's don't get much better than this. It has the perfect amount of hops which make the taste and smell something to desire. Another plus is that this beer seems to be everywhere these days...so picking up that Bud Light and claiming that the store or bar didn't have any "good" beer is even more lame than you thought.

3.) Dogfish Head 90 min IPA
This is another good pale ale from the wackiest brewery around. This brew is loaded with hops, and while the flavor may be overwhelming at first for some less experienced beer drinkers...I think that the more daring drinkers out there will hop right in to this brew.
(See what I did there?)

4.) Leinenkugel's Sunset Wheat
A fine wheat beer that with one sip will make you say, "hmmm???" It's fruity taste will have you not only trying to figure out which fruits are in it (I think it's orange and blueberry), but it will also have you reaching into the fridge to try another one. On a side note, if you want to get crazy, try Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy, which is a mix of lemonade and beer. It's really different...but also not too bad.

5.) Pabst Blue Ribbon
Ok, as much as we all want to sit around and act like macho beer snobs...sometimes you need a cheap cold one. So if you're gonna go for it, go for the best. PBR is delicious, your grandpa loves it and you should too. Plus, with the recent buyout of Budweiser...PBR is now the biggest brewery in America. So how bout 'dem apples?

Well, there you have it...the top 5 beers to help you cope with the summer heat. If you have a beer that you like to drink to stay cool, but also because it's delicious, feel free to share by posting a comment. For now, I suggest you go get one of these fine brews and, as Conan O'Brien would say, "Keep cool my babies!"

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